Thursday, December 10, 2009

Weather and other randoms

Oh my lord! It has been freezing cold lately! The temps have been in the teens for highs and singles for lows. It bites! We can hardly go out without freezing. The kids? Forget it. Well, oldest DD goes to preschool and we bundle her up tight. Youngest DD is stuck in the house. She got plenty to play with, so it is all perfectly alright. She has been having a runny nose anyways from all her teething..and its all sore poor baby!

Christmas is coming up soon! My hubby, DD's and I are going to my parents for Christmas like we do every year! I like to spend the time with my family because we are always around his family, why can't I have some time with mine? LOL. I can't wait to see them..if all goes well...9 days to go!

Funny Conversation with my daughter

So, my daughter started crying and of course I could not figure it out until she declared that Cookie Monster was a bad guy....


DD: Cookie Monster bad guy!

Me: Who told you Cookie Monster was a bad guy?

DD: Daddddyyyyyy!! *tears in eyes, bawling*

So, I go to the bottom of the stairs and ask my husband if he said that. He said "No! Why would I do that?"

LOL. My daughter and her weird ways!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day!

Today is Fathers Day and the First Day of Summer. I got a card for my hubby, and signed my name and the girl's names to it. I did his turn on dishes. I made him coffee. It is freezing out though today. I hate it when its cold, especially on a summers day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a short blog, but when you don't have much to say, you write what you can! :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009


This blog is just dedicated to thoughts. :)

Today, I had to wash clothing. I am doing my girl's laundry. My 4 year old is growing so fast, as is my 2 month old. My 2 month old is already in 3-6 month clothing. Crazy stuff I tell ya! My4 year old is into 5T clothing. I have to sort through her stuff and save it for her little sister..all the good stuff. It saves me on buying new clothes in the future..just will have to buy few things at a time, such as socks and stuff..I am getting rid of all the stained, torn stuff. Now if I could figure out what my 4 year old got on her Little Mermaid skirt. Hopefully this time it washed out better. I sprayed and washed it like crazy, then threw it in with her sisters clothing. I don't want to have to wash it a third time just to try to get the stains out. If not, it will be play clothes..then it will go out instead of being saved for her little sister. *sighs* I have so much laundry to do, between the girl's, mine and my husbands. I am usually doing a couple of loads a day. But, I am trying to do it the Flylady way. A load of day keeps Mount Washmore at bay!